Quality Matters Stipend Program History
Funds from FIRST 5 California, FIRST 5 Santa Clara County, and AB212 through the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) have supported the ongoing professional development of early educators in Santa Clara County for more than a decade. The first iteration of a stipend program in Santa Clara County was known as the Comprehensive Approach to Raising Educational Standards Plus (CARES Plus) Program that focused on improving the retention and training of qualified employees who work with children prenatal through five years.
In FY16-17, when the Quality Matters initiative transitioned from federal funding to state funding, CARES Plus transitioned into the Quality Matters Stipend Program (QMSP). Since then, QMSP has only increased the number of early learning and care professionals seeking professional growth opportunities.
The number of participating early learning and care professionals participating in the QMSP has steadily increased to more than 1100 individuals who enroll at the beginning of each fiscal year. The program has also expanded to serve more diverse participants, including family support specialists, parent educators and community workers at FIRST 5 Family Resource Centers and home-visiting professionals, who also support families with young children, birth through five years. Currently, the following groups of professionals are eligible to participate in the Quality Matters Stipend Program:
Early childhood educators: work in center-based preschools and home-based childcare settings. The individual educator or employer must enroll annually in the Quality Matters network to be eligible for the Quality Matters Stipend Program.
Family support specialists/parent educators/community workers: work at FIRST 5 Family Resource Centers connecting families to resources that promote optimal child development, facilitate access to childcare, health and social services, and build strong communities.
Home visitors: deliver support and services to families with young children in their home environment, focusing on the healthy development and well-being of young children and their families by providing them with information, resources, and support.